Creates a new G Suite user
New-GSUser [-PrimaryEmail] <String> -GivenName <String> -FamilyName <String> [-FullName <String>] -Password <SecureString> [-ChangePasswordAtNextLogin] [-OrgUnitPath <String>] [-Suspended] [-Addresses <UserAddress[]>] [-Emails <UserEmail[]>] [-ExternalIds <UserExternalId[]>] [-Ims <UserIm[]>] [-Locations <UserLocation[]>] [-Organizations <UserOrganization[]>] [-Relations <UserRelation[]>] [-Phones <UserPhone[]>] [-IncludeInGlobalAddressList] [-IpWhitelisted] [-CustomSchemas <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a new G Suite user
$address = Add-GSUserAddress -Country USA -Locality Dallas -PostalCode 75000 Region TX -StreetAddress '123 South St' -Type Work -Primary
$phone = Add-GSUserPhone -Type Work -Value "(800) 873-0923" -Primary
$extId = Add-GSUserExternalId -Type Login_Id -Value jsmith2
$email = Add-GSUserEmail -Type work -Address [email protected]
New-GSUser -PrimaryEmail [email protected] -GivenName John -FamilyName Smith -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Password123' -AsPlainText -Force) -ChangePasswordAtNextLogin -OrgUnitPath "/Users/New Hires" -IncludeInGlobalAddressList -Addresses $address -Phones $phone -ExternalIds $extId -Emails $email
Creates a user named John Smith and adds their work address, work phone, login_id and alternate non gsuite work email to the user object.
The address objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserAddress[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserAddress'
Type: UserAddress[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
If set, user will need to change their password on their first login
Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
Custom user attribute values to add to the user's account.
The Custom Schema and it's fields MUST exist prior to updating these values for a user otherwise it will return an error.
This parameter only accepts a hashtable where the keys are Schema Names and the value for each key is another hashtable, i.e.:
Update-GSUser -User [email protected] -CustomSchemas @{ schemaName1 = @{ fieldName1 = $fieldValue1 fieldName2 = $fieldValue2 } schemaName2 = @{ fieldName3 = $fieldValue3 } }
If you need to CLEAR a custom schema value, simply pass $null as the value(s) for the fieldName in the hashtable, i.e.:
Update-GSUser -User [email protected] -CustomSchemas @{ schemaName1 = @{ fieldName1 = $null fieldName2 = $null } schemaName2 = @{ fieldName3 = $null } }
Type: Hashtable Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The email objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserEmail[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserEmail'
Type: UserEmail[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The externalId objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserExternalId[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserExternalId'
Type: UserExternalId[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The family (last) name of the user
Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The full name of the user, if different from "$FirstName $LastName"
Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The given (first) name of the user
Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The IM objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserIm[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserIm'
Type: UserIm[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
Indicates if the user's profile is visible in the G Suite global address list when the contact sharing feature is enabled for the domain. For more information about excluding user profiles, see the administration help center:
Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
If true, the user's IP address is white listed:
Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The Location objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserLocation[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserLocation'
Type: UserLocation[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The organization objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserOrganization[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserOrganization'
Type: UserOrganization[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The OrgUnitPath to create the user in
Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The password for the user. Requires a SecureString
Type: SecureString Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The phone objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserPhone[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserPhone'
Type: UserPhone[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The primary email for the user. If a user with the desired email already exists, a GoogleApiException will be thrown
Type: String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: True Position: 1 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
The relation objects of the user
This parameter expects a 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.UserRelation[]' object type. You can create objects of this type easily by using the function 'Add-GSUserRelation'
Type: UserRelation[] Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
If set, user will be created in a suspended state
Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.